Infographic – How to test Landing Pages

Your website’s landing page is one of the most important aspects of online marketing.  A landing page is the first page a visitor sees, and affects the decision of users, whether to go ahead with the purchase or not.  To have a high converting landing page, you should keep testing your page until you find the content, layout and design that give the best results.

Infographic – The Effectiveness of Online Advertising for Small Businesses

This infographic was compiled from research by SCORE to determine if online advertising in the form of banner advertisements, paid social media promotions and pay-per-click (PPC) ads have offered significant value to small businesses and if they will continue to do so. It gives stats on how many small businesses currently use this marketing technique, how much they spend on online advertising, average click-through rates and the typical return on investment for ads placed on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. read more

According to Study, Angel Investment’s Future Is In Group

If you’re an experienced angel investor looking for new opportunities, you may find what you’re looking for by investing with a group instead of individually or with a few friends. According to an article published on, the benefits of working as a group include better deal flow, diversified portfolios, due diligence and evaluation, along with social interaction with other investors. If you’re just getting started with angel investing, participating in a group gives you the ability to learn from more experienced investors, helping you limit the risk of going in blind or unprepared. read more

Angel Investors: The Smart Alternative to Expensive Loans

If you are an entrepreneur seeking funding for a new business, there are a number of funding sources available for consideration. However, not all funding options may be suitable for you. When determining which type of funding is most appropriate, it is important to determine how much control you are willing to give up and what sort of payment schedules are realistic for your new venture. Although many entrepreneurs are hesitant to give up partial control of their new business, angel investors are a smart way to raise capital quickly. read more